
For India and China no choice but nuclear power

The Chinese President has just been in Australia and has refused, politely, to restrict China’s future development in order to reduce carbon emission and all I can say is Good on Him.  He knows that China’s only hope is to give its people a standard of living comparable to that enjoyed by western countries. However, he is prepared to talk about viable alternatives to coal fired energy which of course means nuclear power. India feels exactly the same way, which is why Australia is going to provide India with the uranium needed to run its nuclear power stations.
Both India and China’s leaders feel very strongly that the west has no right to impose carbon restrictions on their countries. Both of these countries also know that as leaders they have no choice but to follow the development pathway, their people demand nothing less. The three hundred million strong Indian middle class and the two hundred million strong Chinese Middle class, are incredibly materialistic people and they want material things. If their leaders won’t give it to them then they will find leaders who will.
Now Green Peace and other Green groups are trying to persuade China and India to use carbon neutral methods to produce cooking fuel and to produce power. In India western green groups have  introduced the treadmill a machine which uses human muscle power to produce electricity. I have never seen anything so condescending. Why on earth should India or China listen to a bunch of Western Greenies who are trying to turn the clock back on development and to get developing countries to give up on modern machinery and equipment.  In effect rich people can buy carbon credits in the west which are earned by people in India producing electricity using muscle power.  It is just the same as rich people in the middle ages buying indulgences for their sins, in this the sin is the sin of consumption. India and China will get more development and the price will probably be an increase in global warming, which to my mind is manageable.
Western highly developed countries can manage the effects of global warming. That is why the English floods killed very few people, whereas floods in China and India kill thousands.  Better to go for development and develop methods for mitigating the adverse effects of that development. If people in the west really cared about global warming then they would be supporting nuclear power, because nuclear power is the only way that China and India will be persuaded to reduce their carbon emissions. Otherwise the world gets warmer and we in the west can twitter on about solar panels, and wind farms, and it won’t mean squat.  The world will get warmer courtesy of China and India. Oh and if protesters think they have it hard in the West,they should try protesting against development in China, they will not get very far. In fact they may even get shot.  This is what happens in developing countries. Protesters are really only tolerated in societies that have already got development and a high standard of material well being.
If you care about global warming  you have no choice, it is nuclear power and only nuclear power.  All  arguments to the contrary will fall on deaf ears in both China and India. Nuclear Power or continued global warming, that is it, the only choice–there is no alternative.

September 6, 2007 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment